Advanced DISC Course


Advanced DISC  Course

Welcome to participate in our Advanced DISC Course to learn more about our tools Team Profiles, Recruitment Profiles and 360 Profiles. The course covers a full day and aims to communicate knowledge and skills so you can work with all our products within PulsAnalys DISC.

The aim of the course is to give the participants the knowledge and skills required to work with PulsAnalys as a tool within your company.

We appeal to you who work as manager, leader, HR manager, coach, consultant or recruiter.

During this training, we work with three different PulsAnalys tools:

Team Profiles

Here we work on creating links and Team profiles. We also explain and show what different steps you need to take in order to create a requirement profile for a team. We also discuss the process behind the different results that arise, and you get tips and ideas on different exercises that you can use yourself when working with groups.

Recruitment Profiles

Here we practice creating links and Recruitment profiles. We work with the various steps to create a requirements profile. We also discuss the process behind the different results that arise.

360 Profiles

Here we work to broaden and deepen current knowledge and skills regarding PulsAnalys’ Personal Profile and 360 Profile. You will learn to use both of these tools in different types of development efforts.

Course program, 09:00 – 16:00 (9am – 4pm)

Register for the course here.

Read more about our products here.

Read more about the DISC theory here.

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