Newsletter - February 2021

Red personality month

We have now reached the month of February which not only brings cold and snow throughout our oblong country but also the day of love on February 14, which makes us at PulsAnalys associate this month with the red personality a little extra. So in this newsletter we will share with you all the wonderful traits a red personality shows, as well as some fun facts and results of our “Question of the Week” that we have shared on LinkedIn and last but not least a little fun news for Valentine’s Day to spread some love and joy to you all in this cold.

A Red Person

  • You are the one who gets things done
  • You are the one who dares and is brave and who makes sure you get to the next step quickly
  • You like challenges and solving problems.
Do you recognize yourself in any of these sentences? Then you might be a red person. A red person is almost never in doubt about their feelings, because they show them to you very quickly and clearly. Red people are usually curious, brave and want to know more about you. They want to get things done and are happy to make decisions as they strive to achieve results. In other words, they are usually driven, determined and take a lot of initiative.
Question of the week 1: What happened to your career in 2020?
231 People – Same as before
185 people New job 46 People – New business/hobby New business/hobby
16 Persons Dismissal
6 persons other

A total of 484 people took part in our survey

Analysis of responses:The answers to this week’s question show that the majority have the same job as before which feels very positive and good. There were also many who have started new jobs and it is also very positive that a lot of people have actually been hired in these difficult times. Unfortunately, some respondents said they had lost their jobs, and it is of course hard and difficult to lose your job. What you can do is try to look at which different industries are actually doing well during the pandemic and maybe look for new jobs there. Some responded that they have started a new business, which is a brave and strong move. If you have survived with your business in 2020, we see that it can only get better.
Question of the week 2: What is your dominant DISC color?
28 people – Predominant
21 persons Outgoing
21 persons Responsive
47 people Systematic
1 people – Want to learn more

A total of 118 people took part in our survey

Analysis of responses: We find this very interesting! A dominant proportion of respondents identify themselves as systematic (i.e. blue). This may not correlate very well with the common results we often see when we aggregate our other analyses, where green or yellow often dominate (within Sweden). We thought about it a bit and there is a chance that the respondents may not have fully understood the question, or the Pulse system. Who knows? Among Mia’s own contacts, the proportion of red people is also relatively high, which may be explained by the fact that she may have a higher proportion of entrepreneurs and business leaders in her contact network than the proportion of such people in our regular PulsAnalys page on LinkedIn.

Valentine's Day

Don’t miss our beautiful love wheel that you can find on our website!

We at PulsAnalys want to spread some joy and love to all loyal followers and therefore offer nice surprises that can be shared with loved ones.

All the best to the team at PulsAnalys AB

Get a call from us!

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