PulsAnalys DISC

A communication tool
that simplifies everyday life

DISC training for future managers, consultants and recruiters

PulsAnalysis is a communication tool that shows behavioral patterns based on the DISC theory.
A simple tool to use in companies to increase understanding of each other in a work situation. Want to see our three steps to better communication?

We offer free inspirational lectures in different locations.
During the lecture, we give you tips and experiences on how to think when you meet other people in working life.
Would you like to attend our lectures?

To enable you to work with PulsAnalys DISC yourself, we offer you our basic course and our advanced course.
With these courses and a subscription, you can create profiles and use all our products yourself.
Do you want to know more?

Do you work as a coach, consultant or recruiter and need a tool to measure behaviors?
Then we have the solution for you!
With our tool, you can expand your business portfolio and offer your clients more added value.
Want to know more?

Upcoming Basic DISC Courses

Grundutbildning DISC – Mars 26-27
26-27 Mars, 2025
Grundutbildning DISC – April 28-29
28-29 April, 2025
Grundutbildning DISC – Maj 21-22
21-22 Maj, 2025
Grundutbildning DISC – Juni 25-26
25-26 Juni, 2025

Upcoming Lectures

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Our products

Personal profile

With the Personality Profile, you will make visible a person’s salient strengths.
You will also see how the person tends to behave in different situations and how he or she adapts to demands and expectations.
This tool is the basis for PulsAnalys and can be used as a basis for e.g.
personal development, coaching, leadership development, communication training, etc.

Team profile

With Team Profile, you collect the individual profiles of your team in a clearly defined graph that can be compared to a set of requirements.
How do we use our strengths as a team?
What do we need to work on to reach our goals or increase our productivity?

Recruitment profile

Recruitment Profile makes your recruitment clearer and easier.
It makes the company’s needs visible with regard to the characteristics already present in the work group.
Later, the candidate’s profile can be matched against this information.

360 profile

With 360 profile, you increase understanding of each other’s differences.
This tool provides a different perspective on a person’s profile and opens up discussions about others’ perception of your strengths.
360 profile is a powerful tool for feedback, team development and conflict management.
It can also be used in recruitment for reference taking and for managerial and leadership assessments

Some of our customers



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